The Reading Professor
Aims & Scope
The Reading Professor is an international, juried publication of the Professors of Literacy and Teacher Education (PLTE) special interest group (SIG) of the International Literacy Association (ILA). The Journal’s scope includes all ILA members who choose to become members of the SIG. The Reading Professor’s focus is on past and present strategies for teaching literacy skills to diverse learners from preschool through undergraduate school.
Content includes quantitative and qualitative research articles that address literacy topics of interest; topics encompass numerous social science disciplines. History (e.g., historical efforts to increase literacy among populations, historical views of vocabulary and comprehension development), sociology (e.g., literacy instruction for specific groups of learners such as ELL, autism spectrum), political science (e.g., the use of “controversial” picture books in the classroom), economics (e.g., literacy enhancement for those with ample school district funds), psychology (e.g., emergent literacy and cognition) are among the disciplines that served as umbrellas in past volumes/issues.