Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ed.D.)


Administrative and Instructional Leadership

First Advisor

Anthony Annunziato


This qualitative dissertation explores the administrative implementation and organizational change required for effective social-emotional learning (SEL) programs in K-12 schools. Through interviews with school educators, psychologists, social worker, deans, administrators and assistant superintendents along with analysis of implementation documents from multiple district buildings, this research examines the key factors, challenges, and best practices in implementing comprehensive SEL practices. The findings of this study imply that successful SEL implementation requires several collaborative alignments to be successful. District-wide commitment, planning for individual schools, and ongoing support and professional development for staff are vital to the success of this implementation. Strong leadership from administration, embedding SEL into existing practices, and priorities, and creating a positive culture that reinforces SEL practices are all vital components of a successful vision. Challenges identified in this study include professional development training for all stakeholders, consistency in implementation creating buy in from staff members. Strategies to confront these issues are using data to drive decision making, providing support for all stakeholders and creating an open and collaborative environment where all feel valued.
