Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ph.D)


Education Specialties

First Advisor

Olivia G. Stewart

Second Advisor

Michael Sampson


This dissertation explores the affective experiences of LGBTQ+ undergraduates in an out-of-school poetry workshop. Through the lens of queer and affect theories, the study asks the following research questions: 1) How does reading and writing poetry foster community in an LGBTQ+ out-of-school poetry workshop? (2) How can participation in an out-of-school poetry workshop with members who identify as LGBTQ+ engender a love of writing in queer students? (3) How do LGBTQ+ college students’ affective experiences manifest in a queer out-of-school poetry workshop? Using queer phenomenological methods (Ahmed, 2006) to engage with such data sources as audio and video class recordings, semi-structured interviews, field notes, memos, and student writing, the study explores the way that two self-identified LGBTQ+ undergraduate students came to understand their writing and experiences in a queer out-of-school writing workshop space. Specifically, it engages with the ways young people interact with texts and writing prompts that center queer topics and issues, and how reorienting a space in which queer bodies and subjects are made visible can lead to increased engagement, empathy, and confidence in literacy skills.

Included in

Education Commons
