
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ed.D.)


Administrative and Instructional Leadership

First Advisor

Anthony Annunziato

Second Advisor

Richard F Bernato

Third Advisor

James R Campbell


The issue of disproportionality, or the over-representation of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in special education, has long been a challenge for school districts. This issue predates the implementation of PL 94-192. School building administrators are seen as agents of change, responsible for setting expectations within their schools and leading the school community toward a shared vision. As administrators set forth to improve student achievement, they must also address the disparities in achievement between different student groups. The latest revision of the Professional Standards for Educational Leaders (PSEL) is founded on two core tenets: academic press and caring support. Administrators who grasp the principles of the PSEL and incorporate it into their school culture are better equipped to support both their staff and students in examining student success and identifying resources for school improvement. Culturally proficient leaders prioritize access to resources in their shared vision and ensure equitable opportunities for all learners. School district administrators must possess a working knowledge of special education laws and regulations, as well as their implications for student classification, PSEL, and cultural proficiency. The purpose of this quantitative research study is to explore the extent to which school administrators’ knowledge and implementation of PSEL correlate with disproportionality. The study aims to underscore the significance of enhancing educational opportunities in leadership preparatory programs through a better understanding of PSEL and special education. Additionally, it seeks to guide school districts in offering ongoing and targeted professional development for school leaders and staff, along with periodic monitoring and reviews.
