Aims & Scope
While race and ethnicity represent the animating focus of JCRES’s approach and content, its unique emphasis is on the way it will examine questions of power and inequity through intersecting frameworks of race, gender and sexuality, indigeneity, citizenship and class, and other modalities of power and lived identity. Additionally, while JCRES will include more conventional contributions by academically trained scholars, the journal will also publish articles, interviews, narrative essays, and empirical research by experts in K-12 education, medicine and healthcare, organized mental health, public policy, religion and spirituality, and technology. It will also publish work by artists and creative writers, public intellectuals, and social activists. In other words, JCRES aims to broaden the lenses through which we can visualize and better understand the lives and experiences of the marginalized, including their responses to their racial marginalization.
In addition to publishing work by scholars with university affiliations, including students, the journal is commited to publishing work by independent scholars, artists and filmmakers, activists, public educators and administrators, health and mental health professionals, political leaders, and community organizers. Its target audience follows from the same.