Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ph.D)


Administrative and Instructional Leadership

First Advisor

Rosalba C. Del Vecchio

Second Advisor

Mary Ellen Freeley

Third Advisor

James Campbell


The purpose of this qualitative research study was to explore and develop an understanding of teachers and coordinator perceptions of a civic education and to analyze how the program was implemented in a suburban school district. This qualitative case study explored the experiences of one school district’s civic education program. and was informed by interviews, observations and documents. The researcher interviewed a K-12 social studies coordinator and two teachers. The researcher also observed four civic education classes within the school district. Finally, the researcher analyzed documents that comprised the syllabus for the 12th grade Civic courses, student work from 12th grade Civics courses, and activities and lessons from 5th grade classes. The specific research questions were: (1) What are the perceptions of the implementation of a civic education program, for the K-12 social studies curriculum, in a suburban school district?, and (2) How is the civic education program in K-12 social studies implemented? The study conclusions identified the following themes: civic engagement which incorporates student activities within allotted instruction time and outside of school time that promotes students’ active participation and collaboration with local and school officials on issues concerning students and community, civic identity and commitment which involves implementing a program where all stakeholders (building and central administrators, teachers, community members) are all committed and supportive, civic knowledge which involves the ability to understand what civics means and to implement the curriculum within the time allotted for the subject social studies to be taught, and civic contexts/structures which involves having students demonstrate the ability and commitment to collaboratively work across and within community contexts and structures to achieve a civic goal. From the study’s conclusions, it is evident that the allocation of appropriate and sufficient resources, in addition to district and community support, is essential to ensure that civic education is successfully implemented in K-12 schools. Future research can add to these findings by exploring how districts can implement a K-12 civic education curriculum for all students, including analyzing short- and long-term effects of implementing such a program at the local, state, and national levels.
