
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ph.D)


Education Specialties

First Advisor

Clare Waterman

Second Advisor

Olivia G Stewart


Health literacy is listed as an international health issue by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is one of the primary goals of Healthy People 2030 (USDHHR, 2023; WHO, 2023). Health literacy is the minimal amount of information needed to make appropriate health decisions (Nutbeam, 2017). Individuals must have adequate health literacy to sufficiently read and comprehend medical brochures and medical pamphlets and understand verbal instructions from their medical providers (Bo et al., 2014). Poor health literacy can reduce overall quality of life and access to health care. Health literacy is lower in adolescents and lower socioeconomic groups; therefore, the study focused on health literacy in young Marines and Sailors (M=27 years). The central purpose of the study was to determine if there is a relationship between poor or adequate health literacy and hearing loss and/or health literacy and tinnitus in the Marine and Navy populations seen at an air base occupational audiology clinic. The BRIEF health literacy screening tool (BRIEF), a tool with high reliability and validity evidence, was used to determine the independent variable (IV) health literacy, which was then used to predict hearing loss and tinnitus in study participants using logistic regression analysis. Health literacy did not significantly predict hearing loss or tinnitus using p < .05, failing to reject the null hypothesis for both research questions H0:p = 0. The Marine/Sailor sample had an increased level of health literacy as compared to the American civilian population, consistent with recent studies. The percentage of the sample with hearing loss was consistent with civilian noise exposed personnel; however, self-reported subjective tinnitus was vastly elevated compared to recent civilian and military statistics.

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