Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ed.D.)


Administrative and Instructional Leadership

First Advisor

Barbara Cozza

Second Advisor

Stephen Kotok

Third Advisor

Richard Bernato


he present study aims to investigate educational leadership styles i.e. Transformational and distributed leadership style, teacher job satisfaction, and student outcomes in secondary schools in Pakistan. The present study employed phenomenological interviews with a sample size of 5 teachers and 1 principal in order to investigate the potential relationship between transformational leadership styles and indicators of teacher satisfaction and student success. The findings of this research revealed a positive association between transformational leadership styles and both teacher satisfaction and student success. Positive school climates conducive to growth were fostered by leaders who demonstrated empathy, collaboration, and transparency. The challenges encountered by leaders encompassed a range of issues, including concerns related to workload management and the presence of resistance towards embracing change. The recommendations put a strong emphasis on the implementation of leadership development programs, fostering a culture of collaborative decision-making, and cultivating positive school climates. This study makes a valuable contribution to the existing body of knowledge on educational leadership theory and practice. It highlights the importance of conducting further research in various cultural contexts to improve teacher satisfaction and enhance student outcomes in the field of secondary education.

Key words: Leadership Styles, transformational, empathy, collaboration, governance

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