Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ed.D.)


Administrative and Instructional Leadership

First Advisor

Barbara Cozza

Second Advisor

Anthony Annunziato

Third Advisor

Richard Bernato


There is a gender gap among females studying STEM ( Technology, Engineering and Math) majors and pursuing STEM careers. More males than females pursue these majors and careers. This study explore d how high school counselors influence the choices of STEM majors for female students. The researcher explored the perspectives of seven experienced high school counselors who work with students on college exploration and career planning activities in this multi case study. The processes these counselors apply when working with female students and improving these practices so school counselors can better support their students was examined. Key findings of this study suggest that school counselors play critical roles in helping their students explore college and career options. It is essential to establish a relationship between each student and their school counselor to serve each student individually. Counselors are aware of this gap and are interested in decreasing it. They want to learn more about STEM specific majors to serve their students best They offer suggestions on specific and relevant training opportunities to help them continue learning. They are eager to help their students as well as their colleagues learn and grow within their professions.
