
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Philosophy (Ph.D)


Division of Mass Communication

First Advisor

Yue Zhuo

Second Advisor

Basilio G. Monteiro

Third Advisor

Mark D. Juszczak


The aim of this study was to answer the following question: Between November 2020 and November 2021, were Chinese Americans discursively excluded from New York City’s political media landscape? The Chinese American experience has been punctuated with countless examples of faith and investment in the American ideal. Despite that fact, it has also been marred with periods in which that faith was tested and in which the return on their investment fell short of expectations. To arrive at this study’s findings, a summative content analysis of two-hundred-forty-three news articles was conducted. To reinforce these findings, a subsequent, discursive analysis, of thematically oriented local mainstream news article excerpts was also conducted. As it pertains to this study’s core question, significant change is required to mitigate the problem of Chinese Americans’ discursive exclusion from political media. A portion of that change may occur with a concurrent reevaluation of how the term ‘mainstream media’ is defined in a political context. It may also occur in the adoption of what will be referred to as ‘Affirmative Journalism.’

Included in

Communication Commons
