
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ph.D)


Education Specialties

First Advisor

Ekaterina Midgette

Second Advisor

Patricia Hess


Learning to read proficiently is an essential skill needed in both academics and life. Without this skill, one’s opportunities are limited socioeconomically, socially, and throughout all daily life. However, there is growing concern that the methodology currently used in many school systems is not preparing children for the rigors of reading in the 21st century. In some states, the situation has resulted in state departments of education mandating reading curricula based on the science of reading. This study explored Connecticut PreK–Grade 3 teachers’ knowledge of the science of reading and the Connecticut Right to Read Act through a socio-cultural lens. This mixed-methods study was grounded in teacher interviews, participation in workshops, and completion of quizzes based on the workshops. Interview data were analyzed qualitatively and the quiz data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The data sets were merged to inform future professional development opportunities in the participating district.

Included in

Education Commons
