
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Philosophy (Ph.D)


Education Specialties

First Advisor

Michael Sampson

Second Advisor

Nancy Casella


This study examined the read-aloud accommodation benefits for students with disabilities (SWD) and students without disabilities (SWOD). In this study, researchers recommend ways in which to remove encumbrances faced by SWD in reading comprehension. In general, research has shown that both SWD and SWOD have met some degree of success from the read-aloud accommodations. Further, this meta-analysis will attempt to reveal important factors that influence the effects of read-aloud accommodations. For example, how the accommodation effect size influences the subject area of reading versus that of math. This study will also show that the effect of read-aloud accommodations is significantly stronger when the test is read by human proctors than when it was read by video/audio players or computers. Student, parent, and teacher perceptions will also be examined regarding the use of the read-aloud testing accommodation and the relationship between student self-efficacy of testing accommodations and their disability status as well as their grade level. Research has found that most parents and teachers perceived testing accommodations to be fair and valid for SWD. The consequential aspects of testing are also discussed as playing an important part of validity evidence for large-scale assessment systems. This study will further investigate the perceived positive consequences of testing accommodations by providing further evidence of their continued use as well as their role in facilitating valid test scores.
