Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ed.D.)


Administrative and Instructional Leadership

First Advisor

Anthony Annunziato

Second Advisor

Richard Bernato

Third Advisor

James Campbell


This explanatory, sequential mixed-methods case study examined the extent to which participation in a mentoring program affects the sense of self-efficacy of school-age girls of color. The researcher conducted this study in a Title I suburban public elementary school implementing the New York State Mentoring Program (NYSMP) model. The NYSMP follows a research-based mentoring model where screened and trained volunteer mentors meet with youth mentees one-to-one in a supervised environment. Mentoring young girls of color increases opportunities for them to build their self-confidence through academic success, form relationships with positive role models, and develop their identities. This study added to the body of research by providing insight into how mentoring may have positive outcomes for girls of color. In the study, the researcher used mixed-methods data collection techniques to collect and analyze quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data included student attendance rates, academic performance, and mentor survey data. The researcher collected qualitative data through mentor focus group interviews and artifact analysis. The findings of this study revealed that participation in this mentoring program did not influence the mentees’ attendance rate or academic performance. However, mentors did perceive growth in the mentees’ self-efficacy through increased effort, self-confidence, maturity, and self-advocacy. The findings also revealed that this mentoring program engaged in best practices of mentoring with mentors forming strong and culturally responsive mentoring relationships with their mentees. The findings of this study highlight the need for increased programs and resources that target social/emotional well-being for school-age girls of color.
