Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Philosophy (Ph.D)


Curriculum and Instruction

First Advisor

Elizabeth Chase

Second Advisor

Donald McClure

Third Advisor

Seung Eun McDevitt


Students with Interrupted or Inconsistent Formal Education (SIFE) are positioned in our society in such a way that many SIFE cannot advocate for themselves (Advocates for Children of New York, 2010; Linville, 2016), and they must rely on educators to speak on their behalf and address the inequities they face (Advocates for Children of New York, 2010; Linville, 2016; Olivares-Orellana, 2020). Teachers are working to navigate these challenges; however, local and state programs and policies have had a negative impact on the academic success of SIFE in the traditional high school setting (Hos, 2020; Olivares-Orellana, 2020). This study uses Critical Race Theory and LatCrit as the theoretical lens to explore connections between the experiences of the students and the lack of equitable practices available to the immigrant student population. Thus, through the inclusion of multiple case studies, this study engaged teacher and student participants in interviews, focus groups, and journaling to make sense of the experiences, obstacles, and complex interplay between empowerment and oppression that SIFE experience. This study has implications for state education departments, institutions of higher learning, and school districts to form an increased understanding of the unique experiences of the SIFE population resulting in changes to local policy, pedagogy, and curricular programming.

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