Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Philosophy (Ph.D)


Education Specialties

First Advisor

Nikki Chamblee


The aim of this qualitative study was to examine home literacy environment (HLE) and how this environment affects the way parental responded to their children’s oral miscues during shared reading. In addition, parental behavior-specifically corrective feedback as it relates to children’s perceptions of reading in terms of their reading attitudes were examined as a part of this study. The participants in this study were five second grade families from Queens, NY attending a private elementary school during the Spring of 2021. The data of this study were collected through semi structured child and parent interviews, demographic information forms, the Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) and the Shared Reading Survey. The findings from this study indicated significant factors that affect home literacy environment such as parent beliefs, SES, amount of literacy activities and reading materials that parents provide for their children. In addition, the study provided new insight relating to parental feedback to children oral miscues demonstrating both positive and negative impact on their child’s attitude toward shared reading. The implications of this study provide a rich descriptive picture of as well as give further insight of how home literacy environments are structured and can provide successful literacy experiences for both parent and child. Furthermore, the study highlights the need for at home interventions created by educators to promote parental involvement and shared reading at home.

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