Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Education (Ph.D)


Education Specialties

First Advisor

Michael Sampson

Second Advisor

Olivia Stewart

Third Advisor

Richard Brown


The purpose of this mixed-methods explanatory sequential design study was to examine whether a culturally responsive pedagogy could influence intrinsic motivation to read among urban under-represented adolescents. The study was grounded in the expectancy-value theory as a framework because students’ prospects for success and the value they place on certain activities are connected, thereby encouraging stakeholders to better understand the value of culturally responsive instruction and the influence on diverse student populations. Quantitative data were collected using the revised version of the revised version of the revised version of the Adolescent Motivation to Read Profile (AMRP). Specifically, this tool served to measure the perceived value of reading and self-concept of study participants (N = 33). Qualitative data were collected using the revised version of the AMRP Conversational template. Interviews were conducted so the participants could express whether they felt their teacher incorporated a variety of cultural backgrounds and experiences when teaching the curriculum or choosing resources. Limitations, recommendations for future research, and recommendations for practice are identified. The conclusions of this study follow the research question, and the findings are reported in the following key areas: (a) the value study participants placed on reading, (b) perception of participants’ reading abilities, and (c) the potential impact of a culturally responsive pedagogy. A common thread among the participants related to how they struggled with vocabulary and their attempts to navigate difficult words. Reading books students can connect to based on real life and decision making was also a common theme among the participants. These findings can serve to help stakeholders better understand marginalized adolescents and a how a culturally responsive pedagogy could potentially influence their intrinsic motivation to read.
