Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Psychology (Ph.D.)



First Advisor

Mark D Terjesen

Second Advisor

Lauren Moskowitz

Third Advisor

Angela Mouzakitis


he current review examines adaptations and translations of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) rating scales for school-aged children around the world. ASD rating scales are a quick and efficient way to diagnosing ASD, and adaptations of ASD scales offer low-cost methods to make tools available around the world. The International Test Commission guidelines (ITC, 2017) provide a rigorous framework for researchers to adapt and translate psychological tests. This review used the X-CAGAM (Duke, 2019) a tool developed to operationalize the guidelines to examine how well the selected ASD measures adhere to the ITC guidelines. Fourteen adaptations and translations were included in this review and all scored as “poor quality” on the X-CAGAM. The measures showed strong psychometrics, however lacked a thorough analysis of the effects of culture and language on the items and the methods employed. This review presents and discusses the sample characteristics, psychometrics, and significant other findings related to the measures and their adherence to ITC guidelines. Finally, suggestions for future research and practice are provided.
