Journal of Global Awareness

Guidance for Authors
The Journal of Global Awareness is an open access, peer-reviewed, international and multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing in a wide range of fields related to global awareness. Contributions that present scholarly investigation of the issues and pertinent research will be considered.
Open Access
JGA is a free and open access online publication. Our understanding of open access is in congruence with the Budapest Open Access Initiative definition, which underlines "free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. The only constraint on reproduction and distribution, and the only role for copyright in this domain, should be to give authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited."
By removing many barriers, open access promotes rapid discovery and immediate access worldwide. Readers can carry on their studies, research, advance their knowledge and education regardless of their incomes or physical whereabouts.
Copyright Policy and Author's Retention of Rights
As an open access journal, JGA allows authors to hold the copyright for their articles. Authors retain the right to reproduce and distribute their work. An article cannot be published until JGA has received the signed author's permission to publish the work. The journal will be published with a Creative Commons license known as CC BY-NC-ND.
There are no fees of any kind for authors.
Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism prevention is a part of the ethics of publishing which is essential to each publication's integrity. Contributors cannot copy words or ideas of others and submit them as their own without proper credits. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the statements presented. According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means:
- to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own: use (another's production) without crediting the source;
- to commit literary theft: present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
To detect plagiarism in submitted manuscripts, JGA is using Turnitin-- a plagiarism detection software. In the future, some other kind of software might be utilized. For additional explanation of plagiarism and self-plagiarism, please consult the APA Policy Statement. (APA, 2010). The Editor may reject a paper not passing the plagiarism test, or a paper viewed as unsuitable for the journal in terms of quality or scope, without sending it for review.
Article Type
Research articles may include: studies (country, regional, comparative, economic, financial, historical, cultural, developing countries, etc.), position papers, surveys, essays, and other research. Also considered will be book reviews and editorials.
Article Length
As guidance for authors, the following are examples of manuscript lengths that are considered:
- Full Length Articles (No more than 6,000 words)
- Medium Length Articles (4,000 – 5,000 words)
- Short Length Articles (1000- 3,000 words)
- Book and Other Reviews (150-900 words)
(Please note: 6,000 words = 15.1 pages, single-spaced; 5000 words = 12.6 pages, single-spaced; 4000 words = 10 pages, single-spaced; 500 words = 1.3 pages, single-spaced; Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12)
Style Format for Journal
- There are no general rules about the formatting of manuscripts upon initial submission. There are, however, rules regarding the final submission; manuscripts must conform to the APA Style (6th or 7th edition). Depending on sentence
construction, the citation will appear, for example, as Roh (2002) or (Roh, 2002). If a quotation is used, pagination follows the publication year, separated by a colon (Roh and Shah, 2002: 221). Enclose a series of references within parentheses,
separate by semicolons, and place multiple references in alphabetical order (Huber and Roh, 2002; Nathan, 2002; Pomfret, 2002; Yamanouchi, 2003). Authors are responsible for checking citations for accuracy (e.g., volumes, dates, etc.) and
compliance with APA style.
Please consult Purdue Owl for additional information about APA style (and APA Style Sample Papers). - The title page should contain: the title of the article, the author(s) name, followed by a line giving the name, professional affiliation, mailing address, and email to whom communications should be sent.
- The first page of the manuscript should contain the title of the article, an abstract of no more than 150 words, and keywords. The abstract should state the purpose of the research, the principal results, and significant conclusions briefly. An abstract is often presented separately from the article, so it must be able to stand alone. Begin the text of the manuscript on page one. To facilitate anonymity in reviewing, repeat the title but not the author(s) name.
- Since this journal is intended for academic as well as non-academic audiences, technical terms and jargon should be defined and, if possible, avoided.
- A list of 4-5 key-words may be included following the abstract. Key-words should express the precise content or theme of the manuscript, as they are used for computerized indexing purposes by libraries.
The Review Process
This journal uses double-blind review, which means the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa. Papers are forwarded to referees with instructions to review within 21 days. Final editorial decisions are made within 70 days of receipt of the paper. Although the Editorial Board will be influenced strongly by these recommendations, the final editorial judgment remains with the editors.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
All authors are responsible for checking each cited reference for a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Please search the database, an Official DOI registration agency, to see if a number has been assigned. Please note that not all articles will have DOIs. Articles published before 2000 or not academic articles may not have DOIs. For more information about the DOIs, please consult: How to Find DOIs on CrossRef, DOI or URL? APA Style Guidelines, and Key Facts on DOI.
Supplementary Materials
Authors might have some supplementary materials pertinent to the research on their articles that they would like to share and preserve. Such supplementary materials may include: a transcript of an interview with a prominent person, survey data, additional statistics or tables referred to in the article, a collection of other relevant data utilized in the research process, etc. If possible, these materials should be submitted in PDF format. Please contact the Editor if you would like to consider this option.