Content Posted in 2017
Africa and an Economy of Universal Human Solidarity: In the Footsteps of Pope Francis’ Evangelii Gaudium, Laurenti Magesa
An Alumnus Learns and Serves: Vincentian Mission in Education, Brian Crimmins
A Vincentian Education by Midnight, Angela Seegel
Charism that Lives: Translating the Message of St. Vincent de Paul for Today’s Teacher Education, Donald McClure and Judith F. Mangione
Cover Page, Marc E. Gillespie
Economy of Exclusion: Global Perspectives on Pope Francis on Capitalism, Charles Clark
Editors, Marc E. Gillespie
Evangelii Gaudium: A European Perspective, Salvatore Moccia
Fighting For An End To Federal Ethanol Mandates May Be An Ideal Social Justice Cause For Students At U.S. Catholic Universities, Alex Keller and James A. Kling Ph.D.
FIRE WITHIN: The Spirituality that Sparked the Works of St. Vincent de Paul, Robert P. Maloney
Journal of Vincentian Social Action, November 2017, John T. Maher
Latin America: When the Pope’s Economic Message Finds Home, Denise Chrispim Marin
On Evangelii Gaudium: An Asia/Pacific Perspective, YOUNG BACK CHOI
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, and American Capitalism, Kris Principe
Protecting the Environment: Awareness and Responsibility, Susan E. Mason and James J. Winkelman
Reflections from the Road: Vincentian Hospitality Principles in Healthcare Education for the Indigent, John M. Conry
Table of Contents, Marc E. Gillespie
The New York State Court of Appeals Provides “Crystal Clear” Guidance On Fiduciary Duties, Biagio Pilato and John Clarke
Vincent de Paul and the Empowerment of Women, Louise Sullivan
Vincentian Social Justice: A Work in Progress, John E. Rybolt