

The mission identity and intellectual tradition of Vincentian schools of business affords a unique opportunity for these institutions to produce business leaders prepared to address systemic breakdowns in business ethics and corporate social responsibility. In order to achieve this goal, this paper proposes the HEET (Hire Encourage Equip Train) framework for mission integration. At the heart of the HEET framework is a recognition that successful mission integration requires college-level administrators who promote mission integration throughout the curriculum and center its importance within the strategic operations of the school of business. As every component of HEET centers on developing an industry-leading business curriculum strengthened by mission integration, this paper also surveys four case studies on embedding Vincentian mission within business classrooms. While these case studies individually touch on each of Sullivan’s (1995) core tenets of Vincentian education, they commonly shared an emphasis on promoting education that is community-centric, innovative, and solution-oriented.