Content Posted in 2016
Development of a Mission-Aligned Campus-Community Partnership Model: The Urban Institute Flu Vaccine Initiative for the Indigent of NYC, John M. Conry
English Language Instruction, Student Engagement, and Sustainable Practices in Rural Ecuador, Pablo J. Sanchez and Morgan R. Zajkowski
From Mission to Scholarship: Welcome to JoVSA, Deanne A. Southwell and John M. Conry
SUMMARY REPORT of a Faculty Colloquium Held on the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ of The Holy Father Francis on Care for Our Common Home, Mark C. Kiley
Teacher Knowledge and Selection of Evidence-Based Practices: A survey study
The Heart of Vincentian Higher Education
Vincentian Education: The Role of Compassion
When Meaningful Writing Reflects Vincentian Values, Michele Eodice, Anne Ellen Geller, and Neal Lerner